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How I work

As a qualified proofreader, I am able to work on hard copy (either ‘blind’ or against copy), electronically on PDF or on Word using Track Changes. I am also fully proficient in the use of British Standard Proofreading Symbols. These days, I’m very rarely asked to work on hard copy, with most of my work being done on either Word documents or PDF.

Word documents

When working on a Word document, I’ll always use the Track Changes feature. This allows you to see exactly what I’ve changed and to be able to either accept or reject each change. When working with businesses or authors I’ll usually leave some simple changes untracked, unless you ask me not to. These are usually spacing and formatting issues, such as changing two spaces between words to one or amending the formatting of a heading to make it consistent with the rest of the document.

I will also make notes and queries for you as I go through the document by using the comment box feature. This might be to alert you to a discrepancy in the text or to suggest alternative wording if I feel that something is unclear.

If you are not familiar with Track Changes then please let me know. I have developed a guide to help you use Track Changes and I will be happy to send this to you on request.

PDF documents

With a PDF document, instead of actually changing the text I will mark up my suggested changes using the text markup in the Comments section in Adobe Acrobat. I will also make comments or queries if necessary. You will then need to review my suggested amendments and implement them if you agree.

Website content

The easiest way for me to work on website content is to copy the content into a Word document and make any necessary changes using Track Changes, as above. You can either copy the website into Word yourself or I can do that for you.

At the end of the job I will return the work to you along with my invoice for the work. I will usually do this by email, unless you prefer me to use a file sharing system, such as WeTransfer. I will also include in the email a list of any issues or queries that I have noticed while working through the document and explanations about why I have made or suggested certain changes.

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